Gary Frederick Brown
Artist Statement
My love of asymmetry and the infinite line started when my mother made coloring pages for me by simply drawing a single curvilinear line around, across, around again, creating big round spaces and small angular areas just waiting for color. Color, atmosphere and depth are essential participants in both my 2D and 3D work. In the subtractive works, fascinated by what lies within the stone, I let the rock be my guide. In the additive, asymmetrical porcelain constructs, fluid forms arch in structures with passages transected by oblong portals. The monotype drawings are created using fibers, solvents and techniques resulting in intuited and calculated effects. They are enhanced with charcoal, color pencils and both chalk and oil pastels. The work takes playing, planning and patience. what ties all my work together is that it is all influenced by physics: sub-microscopic aspects of ‘string theory’, dimensional portals and the macro expanse of infinite universes, with inspiration drawn on divine play”.